Home Assignments About Final Project

Rodrigo Shiordia

Week 13 Assignment: Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

Plan for Dissemination of Final Project Drafts of Summary Slide and Video Presentation

Dissemination Plan


I have decided to use a copyright attribution license. My project could use patents, however, I have not the resources to enforce patents, therefore, the license that most goes with my intentions is fab license:

              (c) Rodrigo Shiordia 2020

              This work may be reproduced, modified, distributed, performed, and displayed for any purpose, but must acknowledge FABCLAYCRAFTER.
              Copyright is retained and must be preserved.
              The work is provided as is; no warranty is provided, and users accept all liability.



The financial income that I could have would be to produce and sell kits for 3d printing with clay. Also, People in the lab ccould rent the machine if it's working and I can sell the products printed with my machine. Services like education and training in 3d printing could be offered by me and others using the design of this printer. Further plans are to develop a concrete 3d printer.


I am under the university working on fabacademy, therefore, the organization I'd like to create would be a 3d printing club where people can share information and machine time. It would be not for profit, but could have some income as described above.

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Summary slide and video presentation

Slide and video

It's tough to not have the time in the lab to show more work, but I feel that planning and design work moved forward a bit this week. The slide is on the assignment files, and the video will be shortly.

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